How do I sign up to donate?
Giving is easy! You can give via payroll deduction, donate ETO (8 hours = short sleeve t-shirt, 20 hours or more = short & long sleeve t-shirt), or make a one-time gift of any amount. If you make a one-time gift and would like to receive a YOU&I t-shirt, give $130 for a short sleeve, and $390 for a short sleeve and long sleeve. To support your passion just click HERE and complete this form.
How do I change the area or project that my gift supports?
You can email the Foundation team at [email protected] or call the office at 334-673-4150. You’ll need to provide your employee ID number and the area or project you want to gift to support.
Can my gift support multiple areas or projects?
I spilled bleach on my campaign t-shirt can I get another one? My t-shirt shrunk, can I get another one?
Life happens. So of course, we will replace your t-shirt.
Is my donation tax deductible?
What if I gave last year? Do I need to do anything?
If you donated last year via payroll deduction, your payroll deductions will automatically continue at the same gift amount. No action is needed on your part.
How have employee donations to past campaigns been utilized?
Depending on the area or project you select, donations are used to help our patients, fellow coworkers, and the communities we serve. Click HERE to see what was funded in FY24.
What percentage of my donation supports operating costs?
Zero percent! The Foundation’s annual operating expenses are underwritten by Southeast Health and the Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine so that 100 percent of your gift will benefit your passion area or project.
Why is my department not represented as a passion area to support?
How do I submit a grant to request funding for a project or area?
When are the deadlines for submitting grant requests?
How do I cancel my biweekly gift?
We hate to lose a partner, but we understand financial situations often change. You can email the Foundation team at [email protected] or call the office at 334-673-4150. You’ll need to provide your name, and employee ID number, and return your YOU&I campaign t-shirt(s) to the Southeast Health Foundation office at 1922 Fairview Ave or place them in the Foundation mailbox in the mailroom at Southeast Health Medical Center. Once we have received the t-shirt we will stop the deduction.